Thursday, June 28, 2012

Well here I am...

So for a couple of years I have been following many blogs and I love going through my daily routine of reading blogs and feeling like I know the individuals. Sometimes I have even told myself meeting this person would be awesome! So after thinking about it for a few months and going through what seems like a hurricane in my personal life I have decided to start my own.

So for those of you that wonder what kind of hurricane here is a little recap: I have been in graduate school doing my doctorate for the past 4 years - I am almost done, no worries! I have been married for almost 4 months (it was a wonderful wedding in COSTA RICA where I am from). About two weeks before our wedding we were given the news that my husband's cancer had returned grrrr! So after our honeymoon, he would have to start chemotherapy. After two months of chemotherapy, we were informed that the tumors had continued to grow and we would be doing something else. After some very scary deliberation, they decided to change the chemotherapy cocktail, I like to think about it as switching from a PiƱa Colada to a Mojito which I like way better). So here we are a month later trying to stay strong and positive despite all the negativity that the world can give you. In a month we will also be taking another step by moving to another city in Texas, so I can finish the last year of my degree (yay!!). So I like to think of all of these experiences as challenges that we must get through, but I am hoping in the next couple of years we can have a reward or two.

So now I just want to let you all know that for me and my husband, we choose to see the good in daily life and we choose to be happy. I truly hope sharing and being real allows me to continue getting stronger and growing because I feel we all constantly need that.